Hi Beautiful!

I’m Ashley.

I’m an entrepreneur, mama, and a Holistic Nutritionist. I’m so happy you’re here!


A bit of my story

I prefer to wake to the sound of dancing waves.

I’m unquestionably part-paralian, and happiest near the water. This defines me – so much so that after spending 15 years in the city (Toronto and a stint in Paris), I now find myself living lakeside in Prince Edward County.


 About Me

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“Moved by beauty and the impact of our actions, big and small.”

Habitually speaking, I begin each day with a frothy cappuccino (soy milk with cinnamon, please), a green smoothie, and a jar of warm lemon water (it’s actually a jar, and my husband makes fun of me for it). When I’m not chasing our toddler around the house, I’m decorating our new home, trying to beat my Peloton PB, tending to my veggie garden, or planning our next big adventure. I’m an enthusiast of open air markets, learning to surf, and fresh flowers at home. I’m equally passionate about functional nutrition, holistic health, and plant-based living.

Harnessing my entrepreneurial spirit, I founded Ruby Social Co. – a communications studio for conscious brands – after a decade doing PR and planning events for global fashion and lifestyle brands on both the agency and brand side. At RSCo., I work with clients I believe in – and grow their brands through media outreach, copywriting, and brand & social strategy. Even after all these years, I still get so excited with each and every client win!


I’m an intensely curious person, and I follow those ‘what if’s’ wherever they take me. Through my own health journey, I became acutely aware of the connection between what we eat and how we feel – a concept I didn’t understand, or even give much thought to – until I did.

Reading a few books became deep diving into research, which led me to switching my diet and eating plant-based. This change exposed me to learning the impact of our food system on the environment and the health of our hormones. It became a bit of a domino effect in my life: I was motivated to go vegan, I reconsidered my conventional beauty and self-care routine, and became fascinated by decoding ingredient lists.

Little breadcrumbs, that have shaped me into who I am today and where I’m meant to be – on the path to becoming a Certified Holistic Nutritionist. I’m currently in my final year of studying at the Institute of Holistic Nutrition, and can’t wait to open my practice and empower others to (re)connect to their bodies and heal on a deeper soul level.

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Branding & Marketing Expert
Holistic Nutritionist
Founder of Ruby Social Co.
Podcast Host (coming soon)
Living in Prince Edward County

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Things that make me super happy

My little ones, competing against my husband Andrew in our fantasy World Surf League team, great design, being in nature, antique shops, and being in and by the water every chance I get.
