My Favourite Podcasts

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I finally 'get it' – this whole podcast thing.

I've been listening to podcasts on and off for years. As with most people, it began with a download of episode one of Serial, the investigative journalism show that lit a match to this whole phenomenon of audio-based storytelling. I devoured the first season and became somewhat obsessed with solving the murder of Hae Min Lee. From there I dabbled with Radiolab (which I still listen to to this day; Andrew and I always load up a few episodes for road trips/travel) and 99% Invisible. But my love for the medium didn't really grow until last year.

Now, I'm obsessed. Once I figured out how I could work a podcast or two into my week (I listen while running errands, during a commute, or before bed instead of reading), I became hooked. I've been tuning into a few key podcasts over the course of the last year – it's now one of my favourite ways to consume content. Here are my favourites, in no particular order:

health & wellness

  • Lemon Water - It all starts with a glass of water. Lemon Water is your auditory journal of inspiration; a place to connect to style, wellness and community. Michelle Siman, founder and host, takes you on a journey of her utmost passions from wellness to an aesthetic lifestyle and creating an empowered community. She interviews some of my favourite people: holistic nutritionist and owner of Health Hut, Tara Miller (my first-ever Ruby Social Co. client, full disclosure!), holistic nutritionist AKA The Well Woman, Tonya Papanikolov, and founder of MISFIT STUDIO, Amber Joliat, to name a few. Stay hydrated.

  • The Rich Roll Podcast - Rich is a serious favourite of mine. In fact, I never miss an episode. Each week Rich delves deep into all things wellness with some of the brightest and most forward thinking, paradigm busting minds in health, fitness, nutrition, art, entertainment, entrepreneurship & spirituality. He's a natural conversationalist so his interviews always feel more like conversations, rather than scripted chats. If you're interested in plant-based eating, I highly recommend this one for you.

  • The GOOP PodcastDoes this one really need an intro? I mean, the show launched earlier this year with Oprah Winfrey as the first guest. Boom! Whether you are pro or anti GOOP (I sit in the former camp, and there's a good chance you will too after reading this brilliant New York Times profile on the genius that is Gwyneth Paltrow), this podcast is full of lightbulb moments and curious topics: postnatal depletion (a new term to me and one of particular relevance as I edge closer and closer to my due date), super woman syndrome, moving on from your imperfect childhood, and lessons from the other side (begin here if you haven't listened yet – I promise you it will blow your mind).

  • Well NowThis one is created by Saje, a Canadian company I love and trust. I say this because it's important to note as many brands are jumping on the podcast bandwagon, and not all brand powered podcasts are created equally. It's helpful, it's useful, and it's not branded. Instead, you'll find conversations with doctors, wellness experts and healers. Each dialogue begins with what it means to be well, and how that meaning is different for each one of us. 

  • Nutrition Facts with Dr. Greger - Have you read How Not to Die? Oddly enough, I haven't (yet). Though I have listened to just about every episode of Dr. Greger's podcast and watched most of his videos on YouTube. So if you're a health-curious person like me and wonder about prevention of disease, you'll like his empowering evidence-based approach. Dr. Greger has taught me so much of what I know about nutrition over the years and has helped shape my perspective on the role of what we eat and how we feel (spoiler alert: it's everything). He's actually a bit of a hero of mine. 

career & business 

  • SECOND LIFEI love, love, love this one. Second Life is a podcast led by Hilary Kerr, co-founder of MyDomaine and media hub, Clique, and it's all about second careers – a concept I am very much for. We live in a really exciting time because we don't have to have the same job or work in the same field our entire lives, we can truly reinvent ourselves. And that's the premise behind this one. Hilary interviews stylish and savvy entrepreneurs such as Vintner's Daughter's April Gargiulo, Ouai's Jen Atkin, and Summer Fridays' Marianna Hewitt. This one's a goodie if you're looking for inspiration to start your business or refresh your career.

  • The BOF Podcast - I read Business of Fashion religiously. The complementary podcast, hosted by editor-in-chief Imran Amed, delivers the same intelligent insight and perspective on the global fashion industry through conversations with the founders, creatives, CEOs, CFOs, and CMOs behind the world's biggest and most influential brands. BOF digs deep on cultural trends, innovation, and technology. 

  • Girlboss Radio with Sophia Amoruso - While I don't love the term girlboss, I do love Girlboss Radio and all that comes with it. Sophia interviews boundary-pushing women who've made their mark—eschewing polite conversation and extracting solid advice from the lessons they've learned along the way. Expect hilarious co-hosts and vulnerable, honest conversations.

  • Pardon My French I could listen to Garance Doré talk all day long. While this podcast covers a lot of ground (life, relationships, personal style), my favourite episodes are the ones where she and her guests discuss things like being your own boss, public speaking, and kindness in the workplace. 

  • The Glossy Podcast - In the same vein as BOF, The Glossy Podcast centers around the fashion and lifestyle industry. The focus is on how technology is transforming the fashion, luxury and beauty industries with the people making change happen in the space. Featured guests discuss the challenges of navigating an increasingly complex digital environment. I get tons of ideas for clients here, and I often find myself rethinking strategy. 


  • UnapparenthoodAs I navigate pregnancy for the first time (one more month to go!), I've found that many of the resources out there are very outdated and frankly irrelevant for my generation and our approach to parenthood. So I was super refreshed to learn my smart and talented friend Aminah Haghighi and her partner Bryce Seto launched a podcast. Unapparenthood was born out of their pregnancy journey after having a miscarriage and now through the documentation of their rainbow baby (Etta is due this fall!). They dive deep into the world of being millennial entrepreneurs, mixed-race, and experiencing pregnancy loss while talking about fads like placenta encapsulation and cake smashing. I think you'll appreciate their humour throughout it all, too.

  • Oprah's Super Soul Conversations - Again, Oprah needs no introduction. This podcast is just another avenue to help us all live our best lives. Download it. Tune in. Soak up all the wisdom.

  • Radiolab - Quality journalism and the most interesting investigations in the worlds of science, philosophy, and curious untold stories throughout history. 

  • Breaking Beauty - Hosted by two longtime Toronto-based beauty editors, Carlene Higgins and Jill Dunn, Breaking Beauty aims to separate the greats from the gimmicks in the beauty industry by breaking down the best-selling products and the stories behind them. Some of the most interesting guests? Glossier's Emily Weiss, RMS' Rose-Marie Swift, and Deciem's Brandon Truaxe

  • 99% Invisible - Ever wonder how inflatable men came to be regular fixtures at used car lots? Curious about the origin of the fortune cookie? Want to know why Sigmund Freud opted for a couch over an armchair? 99% Invisible is about all the thought that goes into the things we don’t think about — the unnoticed architecture and design that shape our world. 100% fascinating.